

Pure, lighthearted humor

Here will make you laugh.
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Make it a ... Night

So someone sued Blockbuster because he's either an idiot or a dick; either way, he's still a dick, because it's just another stupid lawsuit. Well whatever reason for the suing they, of course, settled. And now my hours are being very much cut back, and we're even closing earlier on 4 days of the week now. It's not that I don't like having more free time, but right now I do need the money. Plus, there are a lot of people working there that need the money a whole lot more than I do.

le sigh...

I can't wait to work in the math clinic.
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New Poll!

Would it be funny or morbid if the pope and Terri Schiavo both came skipping out of Vatican City yelling "April Fool's!"?
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