

I have never had less faith in humanity than I have at this moment. I just got back from "First Night Carolina," a supposedly fun-filled night for first-year students only at the college. I happily left with a couple of people I met before, and the most prevalent (if not only) topic of conversation among all the freshmen standing outside waiting to be picked up in buses was drinking and partying, not really my proverbial cup of tea. So I sat on the bus quietly and listened intently for a new topic of conversation. Greek life came up once, but was quickly turned back into partying and shouts of "Go Cocks!!" a phrase you would think could only be even remotely funny so many times. Apparently not. Apparently it's funny all the time. When we arrived at the football stadium, the buses unloaded the children, and we were all ushered into the farthest corner of the stadium to watch the cheerleaders and learn all the cheers for the football team. Here's the part that made me lose faith in humanity. A professor with a phD in African American studies, a man worthy of being called "doctor," was brought to the stage to deliver a speech about our first year in college. The young adults, children if you will, started to complain about this man giving a speech! They wanted their precious cheerleaders and party friends back! Everyone was holding a conversation while this man was talking! Then an alumnus came up to talk about student life, and I could barely hear him while straining my ears over the roar of everyone else's conversations. Even the mascot looked like he was mocking the two speakers. The cheerleaders and the student body president were all talking over these two people. After this disapointment, there was a "party in our honor" in the upper part of the stadium which I and a few others opted out of, and I came straight here to post on this site. I still have hope, though, that I will find people that share all of my passions once school starts and I start having actual classes.

Everyone went out to a party, and I stayed in the dorm (of course). I went out of my room and saw a big group of people at the end of the hall who also didn't go to the party. We discussed Zelda, coaxial cables, and SSB...w00t! Now I'm going to go play cards with them and talk to Nathalie on the phone.

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