

I've decided to play hockey in college. I know that I will probably be killed and have bruises all over my body, but at least I'll have fun doing it. I decided this while ice skating for the first time yesterday. It was pretty similar to rollerblading, except that stopping was more difficult...and the ice skates sucked (I hope). One time, while trying to stop, I twisted around right down onto the ice. It didn't start to hurt until we were leaving the rink, and then it began to hurt more and more. But it feels much better today than yesterday, and should be all better by tomorrow, which makes me want to play hockey even more, knowing that stuff heals quickly...I guess... Now all I have to do is learn how to shoot and handle the puck, skate well, and be checked into the boards! So easy!

Also yesterday, water balloons were thrown...and missed their target again and again. Nathalie and Olivia, you two need to take lessons in how to throw water balloons. First, throw them hard enough to where they won't bounce off of the people at which you throw them. Throwing them this hard will also prevent said person from being able to catch them and throw them back at you. Second, aiming is a good thing. Third, just for Nathalie, don't leave your bucket full of balloons out for the victim (moi) to pick up and use against you. But it was a bloody good time. See how much fun it is when the victim is unexpecting?

In other news...Comments work now...thanks Drew

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