

Nothing to write about...Uhh...

Last night I actually came out of my room for a little bit. I wandered into someone's room to watch the Daily Show with him and another girl in there, and then another girl poked her head in to tell us (for some reason) that there were people doing calculus down the hall, so I ran out of the room and down the hall to find no open doors. Running back to the original room, I was pointed to the other end of the hall. I asked at every open door along the way, but no one was doing any math. Some guy, however, decided to help me in my venture, so we walked to the end of the hall, where I found somone with the exact same computer case as mine, but no calculus. I talked to the guy helping me find math and his roommate for a while about, well, math, until I got a phone call and was on the phone with Nathalie in the hallway (someone was actually studying in the quiet study room) until I went to sleep around 1. I must concede that Drew was right: it's not the same just talking to people online and on the phone, but I'm sure it will get easier (or at least I hope it will). Actually, I got off the phone around 1, and was stopped on my way to my room by the people across the hall needing calculus help (yay!), so I helped them for about 10 minutes then went to my room, knowing that I needed to go to sleep but fully woken up by the math. Despite that, I forced myself into my bed and to sleep. If anyone's still reading this...which is highly doubtful...congratulations! You have now reached the end of the post.

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