

You're only a day away

Tomorrow, I come home. After my last class ends at 1:10, I'm going to get a smoothie (probably not peanut butter) and begin my drive to the Charlotte airport, which is about an hour away from this dorm. My plane leaves Charlotte at 4:59 and arrives at DFW at 6:51, at which point I will get to leave the large hunk of stapled-together metal that just flew me 1000 miles in 3 hours (those of you doing the math, don't forget to account for the time difference) and be in the arms of my one and only love. Yes, it seems like an overused plot to a sappy romantic movie, but I assure you that it's an extremely great feeling. I want to see everyone who will be in town at some point during the holiday, and I'm even going up to Lamar (*memories of the before time*) to visit all my wonderful teachers on Tuesday. I come back to South Carolina on the following Monday at 6:44 in the morning so that I can make my 12:20 class (we have a big project due that day). I'll then come back sometime during the week of December 8, but I can't say when. Even when I do find out when I get to come back, I won't tell you (I have a reason). Just assume that I'll come back on December 13.

Anyway, I should probably go study for my organic chemistry test tomorrow. If I get a 75 or better on it, then I get a 4.0 in the class and don't have to take the final. Woo hoo!

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