

The Stars aren't doing too well this season

My roommate is watching the Miami/New England football game in the room right now, and it's snowing like hell up there. It's making me realize just how much I'm looking forward to Christmas this year. I need some time away from this school stuff to just do what I want and have fun. I really want snow this year, too. I know that probably won't happen in Arlington...but I can always hope. I want to take Brooklyn out into the snow and slide down some hills or teach her that snow is best used for throwing at people. I get to come home shortly, and it'd better be snowing by at most a week after I get there.

I'm kind of worried about my grade in English for the semester. From what I can tell, I'm borderline between an A and a B, and I may have pissed her off with the creationism/evolution paper (she's religious).

Oh, and I cleaned my room on Friday night...for the first time since I've been here. I decided that this room was really beginning to annoy me with all the dust everywhere, so my roommate and I dusted all the furniture. I then went out to Wal-Mart and bought a $3 broom (no dustpan; we figured the trash can would work fine) with which I swept all kinds of nasty dust from under the desks and beds. The bathroom still may need some work, but at least I'm not freaked out by the place I sleep anymore.

I have a whole lot of money to spend on food from my meal plan (apart from the meals I'm already buying) before I go home. My plan for the time being is to just buy a bunch of Cinnabons (they sell them by the half-dozen and even give boxes to put them in). Another choice is to buy a very large number of bags of chips. Any other suggestions are very welcome.

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