

Not Good

I was just unpacking all of my clothes and noticed that I had left a few things at home. Upon this realization, I began to cry. I couldn't help myself nor stop. It wasn't, of course, that I had left some clothes at home, but rather the thought of home itself that sparked this. I'd been trying to keep busy all day so I wouldn't have time to think about anything (not that it worked), but this thought of home just hit me and I couldn't stop. I called my mom to just talk to her, but it didn't help. I even heard Brooklyn crying in the background, so it just made things worse. I've been sitting here for the last few minutes contemplating things to do. The best thing I can come up with is leaving my dorm right now and driving back to Arlington tonight. I can take the semester off if I need to. I just can't take 4 more months of this.

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