

Two Already?

I was just walking to lunch, and on the way there I passed by a group of little kids (maybe 2nd grade). One little girl looked at me and said "HI!" so I turned and said "Hello!" and waved. She started yelling (as if in awe) "He waved! He waved!" and some of the other kids joined in. I could hear them for a while behind me still screaming it, and I felt really happy. Ya gotta love kids.

On that note, Brooklyn's birthday is on Friday! She'll be two whole years old. It's weird enough to look back just one year and see how much things have changed, and it's nearly impossible for me to remember before Brooklyn was born. I'm glad she was born, though...I love her. And she grows so much every day! Every single time I talk to her she sounds older and knows more words. It's so cool!

As for myself, school has been fine but busy for all that care. I had a differential equations test last Thursday and a vector analysis (the vector calc "second semester" class) test on Friday, on which I got a 100 and a 97, respectively. I just took an organic chemistry test that I got at most a 97 on (that's missing an 8 point problem that I had no idea how to do but getting the 5 points bonus question). Tomorrow I have a chemical engineering test that the teacher says is the hardest test of the semester (we have an exam every other week in there!), and there's a project due Friday in there, too. After this week, though, I should be a lot less busy.

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