


I never update anymore...can't think of anything to say. I'm kind of tired right now, too, so if there are any typos or the topics seem really stupid I apologise.

Home last weekend was very cool, like always. The seats for the Stars game were just 10 rows back from the goal (visting, then home, then visiting), nearly directly behind it. They won 4-1 and even had an added bonus of a fight! And I got to have nachos for the first time in a long time (and this is just for Drew's benefit) with yummy, melted, steaming, fake yellow cheese.

I took a test today in my stupid chemical engineering mass/energy balance class on which I spent 45 minutes (or more) staring at a problem trying to figure out why I was getting an obviously wrong answer on the problem. I even erased all my work and redid the problem one time. The teacher, upon realizing that no one had turned in the tests after many should have, informed us that the problem had a problem, so all our shown work and formulae would be fine for an answer. I got an email from him today (surprise....he sends us an average of three emails a day...) saying "I would like to apologi[s]e again for the consistency issue that arose with regard to Problem #1. As many found out, it was not possible to get a consistent set of numerical answers that also made physical sense." While I'm happy that I got the problem right and noticed the issue with it, I'm still kind of mad that he didn't say anything earlier (or even mad at myself for not having enough confidence in my answer to bring it to his attention). Because that test took so long, I had to miss my nap today, so I'm relatively tired right now. I should not be tired at midnight.

My spring break is next week, the week before everyone else's. So it looks as though I won't get to see anybody at all. And despite how it may seem, I actually do want to see everybody. Drew will be in town this weekend for his birthday, so I'll see him, but I really regret not seeing everybody who went off to college over the Christmas break (yes, I know it's my fault). I'm going to make an effort to see people when I'm back if I know they're back in town.

Bye for now...maybe no more posts until I get to Arlington on Friday night. Maybe before that, though...I miss writing random stuff. I think it's time for a short nap right now, though...

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