

Hello. My name is Tripp, and I have a problem.

First of all, this reminded me of Arlington. Oh, how I miss passing by different churches and reading my weekly "good thoughts" from church signs. "Life without God is like a dull pencil: pointless!" has always stuck in my mind for some reason.

Now onto my problem: I'm obsessed with webcomics. As my list of daily (hourly?) blogs grows larger, so does my list of daily webcomics at which to laugh. I currently read Mac Hall, Sinfest, VG Cats, Penny Arcade (who doesn't?), Nuklear Power, White Ninja Comics, Toothpaste for Dinner, Errant Story, and Queen of Wands as each is updated. I suggest taking up the crazy habit, too. However, if you decide to read a webcomic, you have to go through the archives and read every older comic before you can start on the newer ones or else you won't get the past references to plotlines they make. If you decide to take up Nuklear Power, be warned: it's updated about three times a week with a new full-page comic, and it's been going on for a long time. That one took me forever to read the entire thing...and I'm always at my computer. It's very funny, though. I highly suggest it.

And in case you care (yeah I know you don't, but I do), it's now been eight months for Nathalie and me.

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