

Elephants and Walri

Today I sold back half of my books: my organic chemistry book and student manual and linear algebra book. I sold the linear algebra book (bad book) for $20, but the organic chem book (good book) and manual sold for $122! That's good, too, because I needed a new mouse since mine has been kind of screwy recently. So I went out to Best Buy (there is no Fry's here), and I bought another Microsoft five-button IntelliMouse for myself. By the way, that's the greatest mouse ever.

On the way to the store, I realized that I'm really mad at myself for dropping and cracking open my digital camera earlier this semester. I saw a car with licence plate '1337'! I was quickly confused by the old man driving the car, though. As I got off the interstate, I saw another car this time with licence plate 'L1NUX'. Now given, I don't know Linux any more than I know other stuff I don't know anything about, but I still honked at the guy while sitting behind him at a stoplight. He looked in his rearview mirror to see me giving him a thumbs up and pointing at his licence plate. And he even waved at me... Bill Gates wouldn't wave at me...

My first exam is tomorrow. I should be able to get a lot of sleep tonight, because I'm tired from staying up until 6:15 doing computer science last night/this morning. It was lots of fun, though, and I realized in doing it that I really miss computer science. I should take a class in it next semester.

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