

I'm going to win the lottery

I have decided that I did way too much stuff in Paris to post about, so I'll just leave you with the fact that I have lots of pictures of the trip. If you ever want to see them, they're right on my computer, and I can tell you all about each picture then. It'd be much more fun that way, anyway, don't you think?

Nathalie and I got a letter from Olivia in bootcamp the other day. She wants me to post all of her letters, so I'll get around to that later today. Whatever comments the posts for her letters get, I am going to write her and tell her what people are saying. It'll be fun!

I have 6 gmail invitations at my fingertips. I think it's time google end its testing and start it up for real. They need to compete with Yahoo's new 100 MB free email, too.

I'm going to start putting random quotes on my sidebar and updating them very often.

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