


Ok, so I know I haven't been the best blog host in the last two months, but I just haven't had any real motivation to post. When I stopped posting, there was no real reason to post because everyone who read the site I actually communicated with. And I just got into a small rut where posting just seemed like a waste of time. But now I realize just how much I actually liked writing random crap on my blog, so I'm back now, not that any of you actually care, I'm sure. However, I will update quite regularly from this day forth. If I stop for a couple of days, you have my permission to beat me up until I post again.

So what's been going on? Let's see...Nathalie got back from Argentina, I went to QuakeCon, I got a job at Blockbuster, Olivia got back from boot camp, and I started school for the fall semester at UTA. I've heard lots of fun stories from Nathalie and Olivia about Argentina and boot camp, respectively, and all of you know how much fun QuakeCon was, so I'll just leave it at that. My job is lots of fun! I have such cool managers, and the atmosphere is of such a place where I have always imagined I'd like working. Plus, I get five free rentals every week, which is a major benefit. The job isn't hard either, so I'm not using up all my energy that I need for school. UTA is really cool, too. I'm having so much more fun this year already than I was either of the two semesters of last year in South Carolina. Being home and closer to everybody turns out to be exactly what I want and what makes me happy. And now I get to spend my nights actually sitting with Nathalie instead of talking on the phone from far away. And it's infinitely better this way, even if we are just doing homework a lot of the time.

This semester I'm taking Intro to Modern Physics, Intro to Complex Variables, Abstract Algebra I, Discrete Math I, and Intro to Probability and Statistics. I like Abstract the best, I think, because it's just lots of fun to do the problems, and I probably like Probability the least, just based on the nature of the class. I'm only taking it because I hated the teacher I had the first day of Analysis I, so I had to get out of that class. I figured that I should take a probability course at some point in my college life because I really never want to look at probability or statistics and just ignore anything dealing with them. I want to actually know how to work with them.

Anyway, that's my post for today, and there will surely be another one soon. Tell all your friends! I love people reading my site, and I promise that I'll post a lot. Give me another chance!! PLEASE!! I'll post, reading people; I really will!

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