

Rue is such a cool word

I got my Abstract Algebra test back on Tuesday, and I got a 100. Out of about 40 people, I was the only one to get a 100 w/o doing the bonus (yay!), but 4 people got over 100 with it. The average was 68, the median was 70, and the mode was 76 (I know...wtf). I like my grade.

I have a test in discrete math tomorrow, which should be extremely simple, so I can't bring myself to care too much about that one. And tomorrow is the first Friday for a couple of weeks that I don't have to work, so I'm pretty happy about that. Speaking of work, Blockbuster closes at midnight, and I'm usually out by 12:30 when I close (which is a lot). But this last Monday night, I didn't get out of work until 1:30, and I hadn't even swept the floor like I'm supposed to at night. The entire night was spent putting locks on all the new movies for Tuesday and making room for them on the wall. But we had so many new movies to put out that it just took forever. At least I got paid.

Bowling is fun. I have a semester goal of breaking 200 (which AJ has almost already done...).

I like vacations.

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