

'Lection Day

I owe my vote to Graham. Thanks for introducing me to the best option.

In other news, some guy came in to trade a DVD at Blockbuster the other day, but the system said that we couldn't accept it. So he said that he was just going to leave it out in the parking lot because he really didn't want the DVD. I had been telling him how cool of a DVD it was, so he ended up just giving it to me. So now I have a Happy Tree Friends DVD.

Halloween was cool! I was able to just sit around and hand out candy and scare kids with Nathalie, which was really lots of fun. We even watched Troy because her brother had picked it up (along with a whole bunch of other DVDs like Resident Evil: Apocalypse) at some place on his recent trip to China. And it was infinitely better than sitting at my computer like last Halloween. Maybe I'll even put some pictures up at some point.

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