

The Basics

So I realize that I have said nothing of the classes I'm taking this semester as of yet. Hence, without further ado, are my classes:

1) Partial Differential Equations - w/ AJ
2) English (about argument stuff) - w/ Nathalie
3) Analysis I
4) Advanced Discrete Math
5) Graduate Abstract Algebra I - w/ AJ

The graduate class was a hard decision whether to take or not, but I decided it best to take at least one in which I'm really interested to see how they differed from undergraduate classes. It moves at a much faster pace, but I also learn a lot more. And since I love the subject, it's fun.

I also have a Nintendo DS (Christmas present from Nathalie). It rocks. I suggest highly to anyone in getting one, especially because it's back-compatible with the GBA, and there are lots of those games.

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