

Ok, so there's one reason to buy DVDs

Family Guy has been officially un-canceled and will start production again next month! You may have to give a year of birth and gender to view that (no email address or name or anything like that though). I figured you would all enjoy that news because of the greatness of the show.

Should I get dreadlocks? Shave my head? Grow it out really long? Sounds like a poll!
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Two Already?

I was just walking to lunch, and on the way there I passed by a group of little kids (maybe 2nd grade). One little girl looked at me and said "HI!" so I turned and said "Hello!" and waved. She started yelling (as if in awe) "He waved! He waved!" and some of the other kids joined in. I could hear them for a while behind me still screaming it, and I felt really happy. Ya gotta love kids.

On that note, Brooklyn's birthday is on Friday! She'll be two whole years old. It's weird enough to look back just one year and see how much things have changed, and it's nearly impossible for me to remember before Brooklyn was born. I'm glad she was born, though...I love her. And she grows so much every day! Every single time I talk to her she sounds older and knows more words. It's so cool!

As for myself, school has been fine but busy for all that care. I had a differential equations test last Thursday and a vector analysis (the vector calc "second semester" class) test on Friday, on which I got a 100 and a 97, respectively. I just took an organic chemistry test that I got at most a 97 on (that's missing an 8 point problem that I had no idea how to do but getting the 5 points bonus question). Tomorrow I have a chemical engineering test that the teacher says is the hardest test of the semester (we have an exam every other week in there!), and there's a project due Friday in there, too. After this week, though, I should be a lot less busy.
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Kubrick is Cool


I was talking to someone here who has read a bunch of Arthur C. Clarke's books (the guy that wrote 2001), and I asked her what the hell the movie meant. She explained it, so now Stanley Kubrick isn't quite as insane as I thought he was:

Drew: so what's the explanation
Me: it apparently has to do with the other books too
Me: The monoliths (black box things) are machines built by an advanced species because they have advanced past their ability to evolve with natural selection (kind of like humans)
Me: so they built the machines to help evolve via machinery
Me: they used the monoliths to trigger evolution in humans (as shown by the monkeys and their tools and stuff)
Drew: hmm
Drew: interesting
Me: they came from Jupiter because they are going to turn Jupiter into a star
Me: because Europa (one of its moons) is frozen with supposed life under the ice
Me: so the sun of Jupiter would make a perfect way to melt the ice
Drew: hmm...
Drew: have you put this on your site yet?
Me: at the end, they turn Dave into one of them (a star child)...they take his mind for their own purposes later on
Me: no
Me: I should!!!!

And there you have it. The supposed acid trip has been explained.
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Beware the Ides of March

Well I'm back in South Carolina after the best spring break of my life, and I guess I'll deal with it because, well, I have to.

I'll write about stuff later, but I don't really feel like it now, not that anyone will read it anyway...you all have spring break. I just really wanted to just use this post's title before I forgot what day it is.
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Home Again, Home Again

I'm sitting at Nathalie's computer right now (one of them), and I realized that I hadn't updated since I've gotten back. We (I don't know if I can really consider my input useful, though) just finished doing some computer science, and while she finishes up a biology lab, I'll write. I apologise beforehand if any of this seems boring to you...it's basically just a recap of what I've been up to.

On the plane ride to Arlington, I read a lot more of Brave New World, which just depressed me. And halfway through the flight, we ran into a rather large storm which shook the plane lots and lots and made me even more nervous than the book was already making me. The lady beside me was nice, but even she was a little annoying at times. So when I finally got off the plane, I had multiple reasons on top of the fact that I was getting to be home for 9 days to be happily on the ground. Nathalie and I went straight from the airport to Saltgrass Steakhouse because I hadn't had steak to eat for about 7 months. Then we went to my house where I got to see my sisters, my parents, and a sleeping Brooklyn before going to Nathalie's so she could work on a little computer [I just typed the word 'computer' and deleted it 6 times before I spelled it correctly] science which is due tomorrow.

Saturday, I woke up at 8:00 and got to play with Brooklyn for a while before going off to buy some stuff for a picnic later that day [Is that a vacuum I hear right now? No...apparently it's a blender]. I then went out to lunch with Drew and Graham at a really really good Chinese restaurant. It was very cool to catch up with them, too. After that, Nathalie and I got everything ready for the picnic and then had loads of fun at it with Olivia and lots of people they know from college. We got to run around in a field and play four-square and eat hot dogs... Then Nathalie tripped and sprained her ankle, which had to be put under ice for the rest of the night while we watched Bend It Like Beckham. I liked that movie more that I disliked it...pretty funny.

Today, Sunday, after waking up and eating breakfast with my wonderful household, my younger sister Candace drove me to Nathalie's house (she's a good driver, too) so that I could go with her and her mom to the hospital to get her ankle X-rayed. It was worse than last night because she couldn't even walk on it today. After spending upwards of 4 hours at the hospital, Nathalie had her ankle in a semi-cast thing with a hard cast backing and only gauze-type front, and I went back to my house for mowing the lawn, dinner, and conversation. I started a conversation about religion (maybe not the best idea), but then we all talked about my transferring colleges and Stephanie (my older sister) going to Mexico for spring break and where she is going to live next semester. I then talked to AJ on the phone for a little bit and decided to hang out with him tomorrow up at UTA while I'm there visiting Nathalie's classes and helping her walk the campus with her crutches and hurt ankle.

I'm sure that's been a boring post for most of you...but I'm happy.
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Giddy I am

I'm leaving now for classes then the airport. I have to turn off my computer and unplug it all. I shall update at some point...
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I never update anymore...can't think of anything to say. I'm kind of tired right now, too, so if there are any typos or the topics seem really stupid I apologise.

Home last weekend was very cool, like always. The seats for the Stars game were just 10 rows back from the goal (visting, then home, then visiting), nearly directly behind it. They won 4-1 and even had an added bonus of a fight! And I got to have nachos for the first time in a long time (and this is just for Drew's benefit) with yummy, melted, steaming, fake yellow cheese.

I took a test today in my stupid chemical engineering mass/energy balance class on which I spent 45 minutes (or more) staring at a problem trying to figure out why I was getting an obviously wrong answer on the problem. I even erased all my work and redid the problem one time. The teacher, upon realizing that no one had turned in the tests after many should have, informed us that the problem had a problem, so all our shown work and formulae would be fine for an answer. I got an email from him today (surprise....he sends us an average of three emails a day...) saying "I would like to apologi[s]e again for the consistency issue that arose with regard to Problem #1. As many found out, it was not possible to get a consistent set of numerical answers that also made physical sense." While I'm happy that I got the problem right and noticed the issue with it, I'm still kind of mad that he didn't say anything earlier (or even mad at myself for not having enough confidence in my answer to bring it to his attention). Because that test took so long, I had to miss my nap today, so I'm relatively tired right now. I should not be tired at midnight.

My spring break is next week, the week before everyone else's. So it looks as though I won't get to see anybody at all. And despite how it may seem, I actually do want to see everybody. Drew will be in town this weekend for his birthday, so I'll see him, but I really regret not seeing everybody who went off to college over the Christmas break (yes, I know it's my fault). I'm going to make an effort to see people when I'm back if I know they're back in town.

Bye for now...maybe no more posts until I get to Arlington on Friday night. Maybe before that, though...I miss writing random stuff. I think it's time for a short nap right now, though...
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